P&H Closing Services provides closing services to foreign and domestic clients purchasing all kinds of real estate properties in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Our goal is to provide our clients with a smooth and timely closing, where P&H acts as the main coordinator of all the parties involved in the closing process, since the offer is accepted by the seller until the buyer gets a recorded title/fideicomiso.
Our permanence on the market vouches for the quality of our services. We opened our office in 2007, witnessed & survived the worst worldwide financial crisis, the arrival and departure of U.S. banks lenders, the peak and the downfall of the mortgage loans, the tragedy of hurricane Odile. We have experienced difficult times and survived as a business thanks to the trust of our previous, current and future clients. THANK YOU!
“I wish you, Lea and the rest of the P&H staff nothing but continued success. I have always enjoyed working with you. I’ll always cherish the memories and relationships that have been built over this time. All the best to you.”
Steve Gottardy
(Former International Escrow Manager, Stewart Title Guaranty Company)
“BCM has been utilizing exclusively the highly experienced legal team of P&H Closing Services. It is the only legal team in Los Cabos to have not only substantial expertise with financing closings, but to be educated both sides of the border. Their team offers ethics, professionalism and customer service not otherwise experienced in Los Cabos. They exercise all closing steps perfectly!”
BCM (Former Mortgage Broker)
“I do not know how I got anything done before I started working with P&H.”
Jim Coulson (developer)
“Thank you for your professional service with the processing of this title. You were very supportive and helped greatly to expedite the process. It has been a pleasure working with you.”
Don Reeves (homeowner)
“Thank you Pedro. It was a pleasure working with you. Always nice to know there is a good lawyer around.”
John De Regt (homeowner)
“You have made this an easy, efficient, and painless process to go through; and, for that, I want to thank you sincerely. I will be SURE to recommend you and your office to all our friends in Cabo!”
Gideon Bosker (homeowner)
“You were amazing! I really hope the opportunity comes to be able to refer you. Thanks again!”
Karen Ulrich (homeowner)